Episode 392: Protection with Amanda Hill, JD


Who do you call when you or your practice is getting hit with lawsuits? A lawyer. One of my favorite lawyers is Amanda Hill, JD. She has spent 20+ years helping doctors and practices change how they operate to better serve their patients and their communities. Listen as she shares her story and how she’s branching out to serve more physicians than ever. 

Amanda hasn’t always been in medical law. She’s worked in a variety of different fields and had many different experiences. All of which have made her better in her calling. 

As she states it, she has felt called to help physicians navigate the legal waters of the system. She has a ton of knowledge in her brain and what’s the point if she doesn’t share it? That’s why she’s created Guard My Practice, a membership community and ever evolving content library to help physicians all over America to be better prepared for legal issues. 

Listen as she shares some of that invaluable knowledge and why so many patient issues can be handled by using just a little bit of empathy. Amanda is brilliant and this conversation was so much fun. If you’ve been dealing with legal issues of any sort, you’ll definitely want to listen in.

It’s powerful to know when to walk away from a job.
— Amanda Hill, JD

In this episode:

[01:27] Say “Hi” to Amanda! (and learn a bit more about her and her work)

[03:09] Why Amanda chose the word “protection” for her episode. 

[05:54] How she helps physicians to make protecting themselves easy. 

[08:13] What made her decide to do bite sizes of information week after week? 

[09:42] Why she started talking to the patients and shadowing doctors. 

[12:15] Amanda shares a story about a phenomenal surgeon with crummy satisfaction scores. 

[16:09] If you’re not getting any bad reviews, that’s just as bad as getting too many. 

[18:41] Hard conversations are important to have all the way around. 

[22:00] Don’t stay in a job because you feel stuck. There are other opportunities. 

[22:36] Learn how Amanda is helping physicians all over the country. 

[25:47] How the content drips out for Guard My Practice members.

Links and Resources

Connect with Amanda Hill

Hill Health Law

Guard My Practice

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Episode 393: Money As A Tool with Dr. Elisa Chiang


Episode 391: Equation to Bust Guilt with Dr. Jennifer Reid