Episode 260: Momentum with Dr. Michelle Quirk


We’ve all felt the slump that this past year has brought. So many of us have felt stuck. Whether in our jobs, our homes, our workouts, or maybe in our relationships, we’ve felt like things have stopped. When Dr. Michelle Quirk started feeling this, she decided to build some momentum and get moving. 

She’s an avid runner and has built a coaching business designed to help professional women to prioritize their well-being through fitness. She knew that if she was feeling that “stuckness” then it was time to do something about it. 

How did she move forward? She started evaluating her emotions and why she was feeling the way that she was. Instead of feeling the restlessness that cancelled races started to have on her, she decided to rest in the pause. 

Michelle started to refocus and figure out ways that she could alter her normal schedule of events and still create community and connection. She’s now running some virtual challenges and helping women step away from being stuck by starting with bite-sized goals. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re on mile 0 or 1000, you have to start somewhere. Listen in to hear all about Michelle’s story, how she’s helping women, and how you can connect with her and start gaining some of your own momentum.

It’s been a huge thing for me to show that the sport is available to everybody if they want it, and you don’t have to be a certain size or look a certain way.
— Dr. Michelle Quirk

In this episode:

[02:16] Welcome back to the show, Dr. Michelle Quirk!

[02:55] Dr. Quirk shares all the amazing things she is doing in the world.

[05:47] Listen as Dr. Quirk discusses why she chose the word momentum.

[07:33] The pandemic has taken the wind out of so many people’s sails with the loss of connection.

[10:42] Dr. Quirk speaks about the whole experience of doing races and how she misses having them on her calendar.

[11:26] It might be a good time to embrace the pause and then refocus and figure out why you are doing what you are doing.

[13:37] Dr. Quirk shares some virtual challenges they have done.

[15:00] Email me if you want to participate in a Doctor Me First 5K Race.

[15:40] Dr. Quirk believes you should start with bite-size goals when getting back to exercise or just starting.

[17:41] You don’t have to crush it every day; keep your easy runs easy. The first step is putting on your sneakers.

[19:22] Thank you for being on the show!

[21:58] Your kick of encouragement.


Links and Resources

Resolve Physicians Agency

Connect with Dr. Michelle Quirk

Mindful Marathon

Dr. Michelle Quirk Episode 174 on Doctor Me First


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